Friday 11 January 2013

Final Music Video - Marilyn Manson, Evidence


  1. Good narrative and good costume. Maybe the end could have been scarier as it built up to just her eyes being closed. Makeup and transition are very effective. Mae and Laura

  2. The narrative is really well thought out and genially scares us, which is what we presumed you intended.

    Your costume and make-up is really well done and you look the part.

    The effects/editing in the video is very effective and advance.

    If there was one thing to improve on then it would maybe be the lighting on the main singers face, because it was hard at times to see the lip-syncing.

    From mattie and steph

  3. The narrative is by far the most effective aspect of the video; it is believable as it feels very much like you are watching a story.
    Good use of filters and effects; adds to the creepy atmosphere.
    Costume/ makeup choices fit well with the theme of the video, and the syncing of the guitars and singing to the music is very accurate.
    The only criticism I can make is that some shots are a little too dark, particularly the shots of 'Manson' singing. Well done, though.

  4. the narrative works really well with the video and the whole concept is very effective.
    if anything maybe making some shots lighter would of been better to be able to see things in more detail.

  5. Narrative works well with the shots. The parallel editing is effective is a lot of shots. Lighting works well the dark genre. Well done :)

  6. excellent use of miss en scene and well thought out location.
    effective lighting and accurate lip syncing
    good use of contrasting colours with the girls little red riding hood type appearance
    good editing of shots which creates suspense and maintains interest all the way through

  7. video fits in with the genre well. quite scary at times but i suppose thats what you want it to be like at it suits the genre very well. the actors are really good, like the theme of little red riding hood also its different. when you do the singing with the face paint it suits the genre really good and the lip syncing is good.
    well done man.
    love vish xx
